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情报 & 研究

Transforming research for an 开放 science world

Supporting each step of your research journey, from discovering your next idea to sharing work 开放ly with the global research community.

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Working to engineer a better world?

在新萄新京十大正规网站, we believe that trusted research should be discoverable, 开放, and shareable as quickly as possible to help solve the global challenges that matter. That’s why we’ve been helping scientists and engineers share their research, knowledge and ideas for over 150 years. 

Explore how the 新萄新京十大正规网站 can support you at each stage of your research workflow.

Publish your work

Increase the impact of your research and experience by publishing your work with the 新萄新京十大正规网站. Find all the information you need to guide you through the publishing process for our journals, 会议, 书, Codes of Practice and guidance, from submission through to promotion.