


Are you looking for a targeted approach to advertising in the engineering community? 看看我们在新萄新京十大正规网站的专家团队就知道了. Our advertising and sponsorship options are designed to help you successfully reach this valuable audience. With a deep understanding of industry trends and the technical needs of engineers, we can work with you to develop a customised advertising strategy that aligns with your campaign objectives and delivers the best possible results.

我们的广告选择旨在帮助您扩大受众范围, 推动销售线索, 提高你产品的知名度. 无论你是行业的新玩家还是老牌品牌, we can help you connect with your target audience in a way that drives meaningful results. Partner with us today and discover the power of customised engineering advertising options.


以更好地满足您的广告需求, we offer a variety of pricing options that can be customised to fit your budget. 只需填写我们的 form 获取我们的价目表. If you have any questions or would like to explore additional advertising options, 请不要犹豫,通过 电子邮件. We're always happy to discuss how we can help your organisation achieve its advertising goals.


We provide you with unparalleled access to a vast and diverse audience of over 154,遍布148个国家的000名工程和技术新萄新京十大正规网站人员.  我们的读者包括各个部门和工作角色的关键决策者, 让你有机会接触到合适的人.

告诉我们你的目标是哪些部门和工作角色, and we'll recommend the best advertising and sponsorship options to help you reach them.  With our help, you can tap into this valuable audience and take your business to new heights.  Get started today and unlock your access to a global engineering and technology audience.


Experience the power of connecting with the engineering and technology community through our dynamic events. Our events bring together a highly engaged audience who are eager to do business, 网络, 学习, 和协作.

凭借多年来建立的强大的活动组合, we offer our sponsors and exhibitors a unique opportunity to promote their brands, 产生业务线索, 并将自己定位为各自领域的思想领袖.

我们的活动节目具有高水平的技术含量, 思想领导, 以及吸引关键决策者的新萄新京十大正规网站选择. Our solutions team works closely with you to identify conferences relevant to your business, providing you with an invaluable platform to engage and influence through sponsorship and exhibiting. Don't miss out on this opportunity to elevate your business - join us at our next event!

- 访问我们的活动赞助页面



Our comprehensive digital advertising options are designed to help you reach your target audience effectively. 我们可以提供包括展示广告在内的一系列数字广告选择, 单独的邮件, 通讯广告, 社交媒体活动, 原生广告.

我们的展示广告非常适合推广你们的品牌, 产品, 或者通过高影响力的视觉效果和引人入胜的内容提供服务. 用我们的电子邮件, you can deliver personalised and relevant messages directly to your target audience's inbox. Our 通讯广告 provide you with the opportunity to showcase your brand to a highly engaged audience, while our 社交媒体活动 can help you increase brand awareness and engagement among our followers.

最后, our native advertising options provide you with a seamless way to connect with our audience through content that is informative, 引人入胜的, 并且与他们的兴趣相关.


我们获奖的杂志一年出版12期, 观众超过120人,000名新萄新京十大正规网站新萄新京十大正规网站. 我们提供一系列的广告选择,以满足您的业务需求, 包括全版, 半版, 四分之一版, 还有8页的广告, 还有插入物.

We also offer digital editions to ensure maximum reach and impact for your advertising campaign. 全年有12个电子版和9个印刷版, you have plenty of opportunities to showcase your brand and connect with our engaged audience of engineering and technology professionals.

Choose from a range of advertising options to find the perfect fit for your business needs and maximise your marketing efforts.

- 访问E+T网站


我们有一套全面的营销工具, 我们的在线研讨会, 白皮书, 调查的目的是帮助你产生线索, 提高参与, 并获得对目标受众有价值的见解.

通过我们的网络研讨会, 你可以实时与你的听众联系, 为他们提供有价值的见解, 和他们建立关系. 我们的白皮书提供了更深入的方法, allowing you to showcase your expertise and establish your brand as a thought leader in your industry. 与此同时, our surveys provide you with a powerful tool to gain valuable feedback and insights into your target audience, helping you refine your marketing approach and develop better 产品 and services.

Choose from our range of marketing tools to find the perfect fit for your business needs and achieve your marketing objectives. With our help, you can take your marketing efforts to the next level and achieve your business goals.


Our unique platform offers an unparalleled opportunity to put your recruitment message in front of a vast audience of engineers and technicians.

大约有33个,每月有000个独立用户访问我们的工作板, 我们每年可以帮助数百名招聘人员找到最优秀的人才. Our comprehensive range of advertising options includes targeted social campaigns, 带有高级选项的工作列表, 每周时事通讯, 单独的邮件, 奖项和活动赞助机会, 并在E+T杂志上刊登平面广告.

另外, we offer a range of training and development options to help you upskill your existing staff and build a strong team. 我们的电子学习平台, 新萄新京十大正规网站学院, offers a comprehensive suite of courses designed to enhance your team's knowledge and expertise.

Choose from our range of advertising and training options to find the perfect fit for your recruitment and development needs. With our help, you can find the top talent you need to take your business to the next level.

- 访问E+T招聘板


If you're looking to target your advertising to the electrical installation industry, 布线问题是一个完美的平台. 我们的出版物涉及广泛的行业, 包括电力承包, 电气设计软件, 通信网络和服务, 楼宇管理系统, 以及控制设备.

有关接线事宜, you can reach a highly engaged electrical audience through a variety of channels, 包括我们的时事通讯, 《新葡新京十大正规网站》年刊, 电气在线平台, 单独的邮件, 产品展示电子邮件通讯, 还有大学路演.

Choose from our range of advertising options to connect with the right audience and promote your brand in a relevant and 引人入胜的 way. Our expert team can work with you to develop a customised solution that aligns with your campaign objectives and helps you achieve the best possible results.

- 访问我们的电气网站


下载我们的 媒体包,填写我们的 form 获取我们的价目表或简单地 电子邮件我们 讨论你们的广告需求.